Filtermist’s Japanese distributor completes successful oil mist collector installation for Komatsuseiki Kosakusho

Filtermist oil mist collectors are used by many of the world's leading manufacturers to effectively remove oil and coolant mist, fume and steam from the air in industrial workshops. The company's Japanese distributor, Dynamic Tools Corporation, has recently completed a installation for Komatsuseiki Kosakusho following successful trials.

Having launched in 1953 as a manufacturer of wrist watch parts, Komatsuseiki Kosakusho is now firmly established having expanded its offering. The company now mainly produces automobile parts including electronic equipment, information equipment and medical equipment.

In the mid-70s, the company began tool and die making as well as precision stamping, and expanded its business into new fields in the 80s. By the 1990s, Komatsuseiki Kosakusho was shipping automotive parts globally and opened its Thailand factory in 2002.

The firm had trialled competitors’ products before, but not found an efficient product to help them reduce the amount of oil mist created during the manufacturing process.

It was introduced to Filtermist’s lightweight, compact and highly efficient products by Dynamic Tools Corporation, and began a trial of three S800 models fitted with afterfilters to reduce the discharge of mist particles into the air.

A spokesperson for Dynamic Tools Corporation said: “As a result of the demonstration, the customer could see that mist particles were collected effectively because of the amount of oil which was returned. We were also able to stop the discharge of mist particles from the upper part of the unit by using an afterfilter, which the customer was very happy with.

“A few months later, the Filtermist units and the units belonging to another company which Komatsuseiki Kosakusho were trialling were measured using a particle counter. As a result, it was shown that Filtermist outperformed the competitors’ units when it came to the amount of collected mist particles.

“The company placed an additional order of two new units for the new factory, and they have told us they plan to purchase more Filtermist products in the future.”

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